Tuesday, July 31, 2007
In The Dark
I try to view each new person that enters my life as a chance to learn and grow, and I believe in the idea that things, people, and ideas are sent to you for reasons, such as to provide opportunities to learn certain lessons. I guess my concern is that I wonder if I've learned the lessons I was supposed to learn from past relationships, or if the universe continues to send me the same "opportunities" cloaked in different forms? I'd like to think I had learned my past lessons, had become wiser, and was no longer going to make the same mistakes, but I'm not sure about that and that uncertainty makes me nervous.
A mistake I've made in the past is to fall for unavailable men. By unavailable, I don't mean married, I mean unavailable emotionally. Men who are limited emotionally, or who simply have other priorities that take precedence over caring for someone other than themselves. Not all of the men that I've dated, nor even most of them have been like that. However, it's been a reoccurring theme that I've noticed in my past relationships that came out most starkly in my most recent one. I don't want to set myself up to become involved with another emotionally unavailable man, but I'm not sure I trust myself fully to see the signs of unavailability (especially because, try as I might to resist, I have a penchant for strong, traditionally masculine types). I certainly missed the signs in the past, so it seems possible that I could miss them again.
On the other hand, so what if I miss them? What's the worst that could happen? I could feel disappointment and hurt again, but I've already experienced that and I know I can handle it. I guess my worry goes beyond any fear of temporary disappointment or hurt; it's about being caught in a cycle and failing to progress. It's a fear of failing to learn lessons, more than a fear of the consequences of each of those failed lessons.
Unfortunately, in order to learn lessons, in order to progress, you have to take risks. Unless you give someone a chance, you don't know whether they will turn out to be unavailable or not. You don't know about their capacity for selflessness or caring. You don't know, for example, whether they've decided to be a bachelor for life and whether the time they're spending with you is destined to be nothing more than a fleeting affair...
Dating, and more specifically the uncertainty attendant to dating, is nerve-wracking. It would help things out considerably if we could read each other's souls - not minds because minds can be fickle things - but our souls because they expose our true selves. Then we could figure out before we even begin whether the risks outweigh the benefits.
Monday, July 30, 2007
Future Fears
It seems to me that one of the biggest challenges facing the United States and the greater world right now is how to deal with the threats posed by Muslim extremists. I don't mean to suggest that I'm one with the whole "war on terror" focus of the Bush administration, because I'm not. We are certainly not "at war," at least not in the traditional nation-state versus nation-state kind of way. Instead, we've been dealing with what appears to be a growing movement of extremism intent upon - apparently - destroying our way of life in the United States and the Western World. A movement that, based on the number of suicide bombers they appear to be attracting continually to their fold, may be winning the cultural war.
Why are the extremists winning the cultural war? What makes them able to attract more and more converts to their cause? What makes them able to convince educated young Muslims living middle class lives abroad with their pregnant wives to become suicide bombers?
I think one of the main factors is the vast economic inequality between the United States and the Western world and... pretty much everyone else. We have so much in this country, and I think the people who don't have as much are angry about it. And who wouldn't be? If I was looking in on the United States from the outside, I would want what we have as well. And, I would feel entitled to it because we're all human beings and we all deserve the same things in life.
But, it's not only about the economic inequalities. It's also about religion, or at least part of the motivation given for the attacks is portrayed as religious in nature. I wonder though, if there were not the massive economic divide, if the fundamentalist religious message would still be able to attract followers? If everyone had a decent house, educational and career opportunities in their life, clean drinking water, access to health care, the chance to succeed and practice their own beliefs without fear of discrimination and prejudice, and hope for their children's' futures, would the fundamentalist message still find the ground fertile for the recruitment of suicide bombers?
What's it going to take to make the ground less fertile for their recruitment?
If I'm right - that one of the sources of the extremism is economic inequality - it's going to take a lot more than military or intelligence efforts to stop the extremists. It's going to take a massive cultural and economic shift, and as history has shown, cultural shifts take a long time to happen and economic shifts take even longer. It's also going to take the United States living up it to its ideals of freedom, liberty, equality, and democracy, owning up to its past mistakes, and eliminating it's hypocrisy - something it has failed to do miserably under the current administration.
I don't know if Hillary could lead the nation effectively against the tide of extremism now threatening us. I think she could do a better job than Bush, but since he presents such a low standard to beat, that's an easy thing to say. I haven't been following the debates closely enough to know if there's anyone I think would be better than Hillary, but I'm thinking I should start paying attention.
The situation has been bad for a long time, but I'm afraid that unless the United States changes its course soon, it's going to get a lot worse.
Friday, July 27, 2007
Date De-Briefing

I think he did too because he asked me to go out again tonight. Despite my reticence about allowing things to move too fast, since he's only in town for a few days and since we hadn't seen each other for a month and a half, and as I would like to see him again, I said... yes.
Tonight, I have a work happy hour to attend, and then after that I'm going to meet up with IP, probably for dinner, but again, we haven't nailed down our plans. He's working, I'm working, and all we've agreed upon so far is that we're going to meet up. He said he's flexible and that he just wants to see me. Awh...
I'm off to happy hour. Happy Friday!
Thursday, July 26, 2007
Date Tonight, Maybe

Wednesday, July 25, 2007
White Stripes Rocked

The show has converted me from someone who appreciated their music but just didn't get them or the whole ambiguous sister-brother, wife-husband relationship thing, to a fan who now couldn't care less if there was actual incest afoot. That is how good they were.
Whatever it was that brought them together, they're dynamic is an integral, fascinating part of their music. It's awesome that two people with a drum set and a guitar can create that level of intensity. Jack White is Rock Star. It's that simple. I now understand what Renee Zellweger saw in him. He has incredible stage presence, his guitar playing was awe-inspiring, he switched effortlessly between the guitar, the keyboard, and singing, and his raw energy appeared limitless. At certain times during the show, it felt like he was playing around, inside of, and through me. Streams of vibrations were thudding against my chest and throat. Sex crossed my mind.
Jack was also, endearingly, pretty low key and chill for performing in Madison Square Garden. I got the sense that he was happy to be there, happy about the fans, but not overly impressed with MSG. He referred to it as a "bar" that he and Meg hadn't played in before which was kind of cute.
Meg, to my surprise, also kicked ass. Her drumming was good, and her voice sounded great on the one song she performed. Going into the concert I had clearly underestimated her talents. She's a key part of the performance, not just for the drumming and the occasional vocals, but also for what she adds to the overall look and feel of the band. She's a damn sexy drummer, and the way they had the lighting set up for most of the show with a shadow of her silhouette blown up against the background of the stage, makes me think they're quite conscious of her sex appeal.
She worked it, he worked it, and it was all awesome. Dutch and Wood, you were so right about them.
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
Busy B

...and then BAM! Five thousand things pop up and shoulder their way into my tightly packed schedule. I've had invitations to leave the city for the Hamptons, Pennsylvania, and this weekend, Chicago, but there's so much to do, I can't seem to find the time to make airline tickets, let alone leave! Not that I'm complaining, I'm just saying. Eh hem.
Last week, in between the gym, the nutritionist, and therapy, there was work, an explosion, the Ani concert, and Harry Potter. Though I started off thinking that this week would be kind of slow in comparison - other than work which has the potential to get a tad intense towards the latter part of the week, potentially screwing up all of my plans - I think it's actually going to be even more busy than last week. I have an event every night, and was so jammed up that I had to switch therapy from tomorrow night to Thursday and forego running except for tonight. I guess this is what they call "burning the candle at both ends."
I'm going to the White Stripes concert tomorrow night, to a fancy dinner and public interest law benefit on Wednesday, (potentially) out on a date with Mr. Reunion (aka "IP") on Thursday, and - probably - to a party on Friday night that Pirate (who's in town from London) and his brother are throwing. I say "potentially" about the date with IP because this is not the first time he's said he'll be back in the city and that he wants to take me out, only to have work and polo keep him away from New York for yet another week or month. It would be interesting to see him again, but given his track record I'm not holding my breath.
The weekend is going to be really busy too, although part of that depends on whether I try to scrape together a last minute trip to Chicago for the Blogher Conference. If I went to Chicago, I'd fly out early Saturday and then have to fly back Sunday. I think it would be cool to go to Blogher, and I'd love to be able to see my girl friends who are going to be in the area, but I just can't decide if it's worth it to fly all the way to Chicago for one night. Plus, I don't even know if there are tickets.
What to do, what to do? For now, I'm off to do some work. There's a lot to do between now and the White Stripes. Too many events, too much work, and too little time. Luckily, I stopped by Origins today (Mr. Eye Candy was back) and bought some fun, new make-up, including navy-colored mascara. Ooh la la. At least I'll look cute while sprinting from one thing to the next!
I must say, after burning the candle at only one end for such a long time, it is rather fun to have two ends to burn. Now, if only I had a third for sleepytime.
Monday, July 23, 2007
Blog Bits
I have two blog-related questions for you all:
First, I've been thinking about changing the layout of Tout de Suite Buttercup! Among other things, I want to add some graphics and a cool header that captures the spirit of my blog better than the plain dark purple, light purple combo. If I was more tech-savvy I'd do it myself, but alas, I'm not. I've found a couple of people who do that kind of work but they use Typepad instead of Blogger.
Does anyone have any recommendations for a person who could help me give Tout de Suite Buttercup! a make-over?
Second, are you going to the Blogher Conference in Chicago this weekend?
Sunday, July 22, 2007
Ani's Set List - Celebrate Brooklyn (July 18, 2007)

Not a Pretty Girl and Dilate continue to be my two favorite Ani albums, although I was so inspired by her show that I bought Knuckle Down off of i-tunes and have been listening to it for the past few days. There were two songs from the concert that I didn't recognize and couldn't figure out what their titles were. Anyone know?
Saturday, July 21, 2007
Running, Explosions, and Ani

After finally finishing my work this afternoon, I went for an awesome run around the reservoir in Central Park. There's a 1.57 mile loop that goes around the reservoir and I did it THREE times for a grand total of 4.7 miles! After a week of stress-related, late-night binging on creative peanut butter concoctions and tamari roasted almonds, I was incredibly proud of myself for going on the run. Running outside is so much better than running on a treadmill inside a stinky gym.
Now that I'm done with my work, I finally have a chance to post about the Ani concert. It was AWESOME! Awesome, awesome, awesome. She freakin' rocked. I almost didn't go because, as you might have heard, there was an explosion in Manhattan the night of the concert, and it happened two buildings away from mine. That was some nerve-wracking craziness, but thankfully it wasn't a terrorist attack, and it didn't prevent the cabbies from driving to Brooklyn.
Because of the explosion, I got to the show late and missed most of the opening acts. However, I made it in time for Ani and that's really all that mattered. Standing around on my own before Ani came on, in a sea of dread-locked hair, pierces, patchouli, and girls caressing one another, I felt a little out of place and just the tiny-est bit lonely. I'm no longer a college kid with hippy-esque leanings; I'm a boring lawyer. Sometimes, I think that I might be one of the "Napoleons" of Ani's songs; not really, and not on the inside, but I certainly must appear to be that way on the surface at times. None of my friends had wanted to go to the concert, so I had to go on my own, and I think those kind of things - like most things, probably - are more fun shared.
While the show was going on, I texted myself the playlist and will post that later. The show sparked a lot of feelings and thoughts that I also plan to post about, but at another time. I'm still letting them percolate. One thing I learned at the concert that I had not known is that Ani recently gave birth. How awesome is that? Thirteen years after first listening to her music, I still have a mad girl-crush on her. I hope she's happy. She deserves nothing less.
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
Date With Ani

I can't remember the last time I saw her in concert, but I think it might have been a few years ago while I was in Law School. Tonight, after a multi-year hiatus (mine, not her's), I'm scheduled to see her in concert down in Brooklyn and I'm so excited! The only problem is that New York is experiencing torrential downpours at the moment, and the concert ticket says "rain or shine."
I'm crossing my fingers that the rain will let up by tonight, but even if it doesn't, I'll be there. It's not every night that you have the opportunity to relive so many years of your life.
Sunday, July 15, 2007
Relationship Recycling Pitfalls

After 3 miles, I felt back to normal, my disappointment abated. It was silly of me to allow myself to contemplate, even for a second, the idea of a Phase 3 with Drummer. If it had been in the stars, surely it would have worked out during Phase 1. I am once again (mostly) firmly resolved in my committment to follow the No Recycling Rule.
I stand ready to crack open a fresh can (or three).

Thursday, July 12, 2007
Skater Chick

Tuesday, July 10, 2007
Scorching in the City

Monday, July 09, 2007
Subway Tadasana

Sunday, July 08, 2007
The Fish In the Sea

Friday, July 06, 2007
Pondering Friendship

They're far too handsome, and far too much fun to snuggle with, for their own good (and for ours).
They inspire you to cook them soup and to take care of them, and then they break your heart.
They text incessantly, and mistake that for communication.
They kiss you when they're otherwise entangled.
They have a habit of popping up when you least expect them.
They email, text, and call, and then they don't, leaving you, if you care at all, which often times you do, waiting.
They cause so much drama, and add such confusion to life.
It's a wonder we all don't drown our agitation in Hershey kisses and wine and forget about the lot of them.
But, instead of writing them off,
we entertain their texts,
snuggle with them, and more,
feed them,
kiss them back,
and contemplate being friends with them,
...even though we know that the experience may leave us crestfallen.
Thursday, July 05, 2007
Thursday Thirteen - Fireworks







The purpose of the meme is to get to know everyone who participates a little bit better every Thursday. Visiting fellow Thirteeners is encouraged! If you participate, leave the link to your Thirteen in others comments. It's easy, and fun! Be sure to update your Thirteen with links that are left for you, as well! I will link to everyone who participates and leaves a link to their 13 things. Trackbacks, pings, comment links accepted
Wednesday, July 04, 2007
Happy 4-Mile 4th of July

Here are the real reasons why I think I had a good work-out:
* I had eaten healthfully, and the perfect amount, the night before, so I had energy once I got on the treadmill;
* I've started doing pilates again, and I think it's already made my core and legs stronger, which also helped me once I got on the treadmill;
* The last three weeks of working out, though grueling and exhausting at first, have started to pay off;
* I committed mentally to running for at least 3 miles because I knew it would make me feel good, and I knew I would be proud of myself;
* I was motivated by watching my legs pumping on the treadmill and detecting just the slightest increase in muscle tone (hurrah!); and,
* I had an awesome 10-hour sleep last night.
Here's my 4-mile playlist:
1) Since You've Been Gone - Kelly Clarkson
After that great start to the day, I'm off to celebrate the 4th down in Brooklyn with Em and some friends. I hope everyone has a lovely holiday!
Tuesday, July 03, 2007
The Drummer

Did you just email and I respond, and we decide to meet up? Finally, after over two years?
Did we actually talk about where we were in our relationships, or lack thereof, about what had gone wrong in our past relationships, about what had gone wrong between us?
Did I admit I had kept you on a pedestal since we broke up?
That I'm drawn to you powerfully, still - but not necessarily sexually (but maybe?) - in a way that makes me want to be next to your body, surrounded by your arms. Protected. Held. Safe.
No, that I didn't say.
But I thought it, for almost the entire time that we sat together at the bar, the edges of our knees touching.
Did we open up to one another? Did you, when I asked what went wrong between us, say that you thought that I closed down, which made you close down, even though you knew that what I really wanted and needed was for you to stop me from closing down, and that you felt at the time like you were incapable of making things right?
That you felt powerless? That I couldn't handle seeing that in you, maybe because it reflected back to me a vision of my own vulnerability; a vulnerability that took me many years and one particularly bad break-up to find?
Did I admit that I've made a lot of men feel that way, and that I'm not sure why?
Did I not say that you were right that I looked to you to fix things when I should have looked to myself?
Did we hold each other as you walked me home?
Did you lean down and kiss me?
Did that really just happen?
Monday, July 02, 2007
Another Friend Ties The Knot
We went from fellow bloggers, to "blogger buddies" (Starshine's phrase), to actual, real live friends after meeting up in November of 2006 for coffee down in Houston, Texas, where, coincidentally, both of our mothers live. During that meeting, I also met the man who was to become her husband, eSuitor.
This past weekend, I had the pleasure of attending Starshine and eSuitor's wedding. It was a beautiful, deeply religious ceremony, marked by humorous quips by the presiding minister that made everyone, even the bride and groom, laugh through their tears of happiness. My mom was with me and she cried watching Starshine walk down the aisle. Starshine looked gorgeous in her mink-lined Winter wedding dress, and was radiating happiness, joy, and serenity. ESuitor was also beaming. They were both so obviously overjoyed to be marrying one another and so in love; it was beautiful. Seeing such blatant love always makes me get a little misty-eyed. The reception was fun, with two of the highlights being Starshine and her sister singing. They're both so talented!
After the wedding, I spent the rest of the weekend with the fam, first at my mom's house, and then at my dad's. In between QT, I contemplated this stage of my dating/single life. I'm realizing more and more that I am genuinely happy with who I am, and with the life that I'm creating for myself. I love living in New York, I love that I'm (slowly) getting healthy and fit again, I love that I'm exploring new classes and activities to do, and I love, and feel so lucky to have, such a great group of amazing friends, both in and out of New York.
Sometimes I feel a sense of urgency to find what Starshine and eSuitor, Dutch and Wood, my friend Pas and her husband, Prue and Astro, and several of my other friends have found - a deep, meaningful love, and the start of a life together. It's what I want in my future, and sometimes I feel like I'm running out of time to make it happen.
Othertimes, I'm just happy being where I am right now, happy to have the freedom to plan whatever I want on any given day, the entirety of my Queen-sized bed all to myself, the ability to make and clean messes in my room on my own schedule, time to spend with all of my girl friends, the liberty to spend money on things without anyone commenting, weeks without the need to even think about waxing, no fear of imminent diaper changing, sleepless nights due to going out too late, not because of a crying baby, harmless, entertaining flirting just for the heck of it, and the hope and promise of meeting someone incredible someday when I'm ready, after I've had more time to figure out and enjoy me.