Friday, June 29, 2007
Match Oh My
The good news is: I put myself out there. As my Uncle says, I'm just putting out my racket and keeping myself open. This is going to be either interesting, dull, wonderful, good practice, or none of the above. Stay tuned. Thanks for all of your advice!
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
Weight Loss Ain't Easy

Monday, June 25, 2007
Fudgsicle Battles

The first episode happened on Thursday, after I had come home from the gym and eaten my usual meal of boca burgers and veggies. I waited for about 20 seconds after finishing my last bite of okra before I was up at the freezer reaching for a fudgsicle. So much for proper digestion and having dessert as a snack sometime after the meal. Oh my god, the fudgsicle was so good. It was also only 60 calories which made walking over to the freezer and busting out another one so very, very easy.
After finishing my second 60-calorie pop, it came to my mind - quite out of nowhere - that the second box of fudgsicles contained 40-calorie pops. Doing the math quickly, I realized that I had consumed only 120 calories of fudgsicle, which was about 800 calories less than what I would have consumed had I eaten a pint of Haagen Dazs Ice Cream instead. At the time, with an 800 calorie window, walking over the freezer and busting out a 40 calorie pop seemed like a no-brainer.
By the time I finished my third fudgsicle, my stomach hurt enough to eclipse the fudgsicle yearning that was still emanating wildly from my mind and mouth. Why do my mouth and mind love chocolate so? I could bathe in chocolate if it didn't clog my pores, and I could eat it every day, surviving on it and it alone, if it didn't cause me to blow up like a blimp. Chocolate, oh chocolate, a doomed love affair.
The second episode happened tonight, and exemplifies a key problem that I need to resolve within myself. Namely, my ability to split, without a moment's notice, into two different personalities, one that acts like a reckless teenager and the other who acts like a healthy, bossy, adult. The teenager wants what it wants NOW - usually food, but sometimes other equally destructive things - and it couldn't care less about the consequences. The adult tries to be healthy but is repeatedly taken over by the teenager. (I think the adult may also really like chocolate, and may secretly wish to not be in charge).
Tonight, I came home after having a great day (so there was no emotional eating involved, or at least none of which I'm aware), ate my boca burgers and okra, and then had a fudgsicle for dessert. Upon finishing the fudgsicle, I immediately wanted another one.
Or, I should say half of me wanted another one. Immediately.
The other half of me tried to say "no." It said, "Buttercup, under no circumstances WHATSOEVER are you allowed to have that fudgsicle. I mean it! You are going to be FAT, FAT, FAT. Don't even think about going to the freezer. I mean it!"
The first half didn't even bother saying, "Fuck you." It just took control of my body, sashayed over to the freezer, opened up a fudgsicle, and reveled in the taste of the cool chocolaty goodness melting on my tongue. (The other half also reveled, despite fully being aware that this would probably mean FAILURE for my second week on the diet).
This, after a fantasic day! I didn't even have a snack! I was so good! Why did I have to have a second fudgsicle? Bad. Bad. Bad.
Thank god, both halves stopped after the second one. Somehow, I have to bring those two together. Ms. Rebellion and Ms. Bossy, Ms. Body wishes to see you.
The food wars must end.
Sunday, June 24, 2007
Internet Dating Advice?

Friday, June 22, 2007
I Rock!

There are many Girl Bloggers that I read who unquestionably also deserve this award. Allow me to pass the Rockin' Girl Blogger Award along to five of my all-time faves. The following Girl Bloggers are fierce, funny, compassionate, witty, inspiring, supportive, introspective, wise, whimsical, sassy women, and they all totally ROCK:
1) Wood: I love this girl like a sister. She's been there for me during the last 6 1/2 years in ways that I could never repay, mainly because she's so freakin' strong, put together, and balanced that she hardly ever needs any support from me. She's a wonderful mom, and a loving and supportive partner to her husband Dutch, who works outside of the home, and, among other things, teaches gymnastics in her spare time. Basically, she is Superwoman. Thank god she's on my side.
2) Gypsy: This sultry, fire-cracker recently opened up a restaurant with her love, Lancelot, and has been working her fingers to the bone, in between other activities, to make the place a success. She also has the honor of being the person who gave me the metaphor that I needed in order to make the decision to leave my heinous Old Firm for my lovely new one. Gypsy, who knew that a 5 story building could be oh so much better than a 10 story one?
3) Wordnerd: I'm grateful for the many occasions on which she has shared her deep, compassionate, penetrating insight with me. She once asked me, after I had written a post about why I hated Old Firm, why my sense of personal self-worth was tied to my success or failure at Old Firm. That's the type of penetrating question that will make a girl think, and it did.
4) Starshine: My first official "blog buddy," Starshine is one of the warmest, kindest, most bubbly individuals that I have ever met. She's going to be married in less than two weeks to an absolutely wonderful man that I've also had the pleasure of meeting. I'm so excited for both of them and I wish them a lifetime of love, health, and happiness.
5) Interstellar Lass: Lass is also someone I put on the "super woman" list. She's the mother of two incredibly active children, she works outside of the home, and she and her husband just decided to to take in her Dad to live with them. That is such a generous, beautiful, and right thing to do, and I applaud her for taking care of her Dad like that.
Congrats Ladies! You all rock!
Thursday, June 21, 2007
Thursday Thirteen

1) I no longer feel sick to my stomach and depressed each week day.
2) I no longer feel like I'm stuck in the Matrix.
4) I no longer have to fight for enough time to complete the work assigned to me.
5) There hasn't been a Black Saturday since I started working at New Firm.
6) I no longer need a Plan B, because I'm actually happy in my current situation.
7) New Firm is not a toxic cesspool.
8) I no longer feel miserable or the need to be darkly humorous about my misery.
9) I can say "no" here without fearing for my life.
10) No more Dragon Lady.
11) I no longer feel like my work is an inconsequential, waste of time.
12) I finally have time to do things that I want to do.
13) I no longer hate being a lawyer.
The purpose of the meme is to get to know everyone who participates a little bit better every Thursday. Visiting fellow Thirteeners is encouraged! If you participate, leave the link to your Thirteen in others comments. It's easy, and fun! Be sure to update your Thirteen with links that are left for you, as well! I will link to everyone who participates and leaves a link to their 13 things. Trackbacks, pings, comment links accepted!
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
Ask and Ye Shall Receive

Tuesday, June 19, 2007
Body By Buttercup Update: Week 1

Green Tea Extract

Although the bottle suggests swirling a dropper full of extract into a 6 oz. glass of hot or cold water, my nutritionist recommended three droppers full of extract in order to maximize the benefits of the supplement. I've been taking the supplement for a little over a week now, and although I can not yet say if it's had a beneficial impact on my weight loss efforts, I can report that it's a tasty way of drinking water throughout the day.
I'll be meeting with my nutritionist in about 2 hours to discuss my progress during the past week, and to be weighed officially. Yikes! I've never been obsessive about scales before, and though I'm fairly certain I've lost a few pounds, I must admit that I'm slightly nervous. I want to see progress! A full report of my meeting will be forthcoming later this evening. Stay tuned.
Monday, June 18, 2007
Weekend Redux

Friday, June 15, 2007
Plagued By A Pink Elephant

Tuesday, June 12, 2007
Nano Quest

In addition to making me sad (my mom gave it to me as a present with my nickname engraved on it!), it's disappearance has thwarted my intentions to get back into the gym. The idea of running without my music is pretty much unfathomable. This in turn has been frustrating me because I've started this new nutritional regime and I know that I will not be able to maximize the results unless I combine the healthy eating with exercise. My goal is to do three cardio sessions in the gym per week, but at this point I would be proud of myself if I managed to get in there at least twice. But, in order to do that, I need an Ipod.
I stopped by Best Buy over the weekend, but after waiting for 20 minutes I was told that they were out of pink nanos. By that point, my heart was set on pink and I trudged away from the store dejectedly, my hopes for running over the weekend dashed. A friend of mine mentioned that I should go to the Apple Store on 5th Avenue, which I thought was a brilliant idea, but because of work being so busy the last two days I hadn't been able to make it over there.
Finally, fearing that yet another day was going to go by without me being able to pick up this essential work out item, I called the Fifth Avenue Apple Store, hoping that they would be open late enough so that I could pop by after work.
Do you know how late those crazy Apply people are open? Twenty four hours a day, 365 days a year. I didn't believe it when I saw it on their online information so I called the store and asked. The saleswoman assured me that even if I came by at 2 am I would be able to buy a nano. Amazing.
The universe has once again conspired to lead me down the right path. I would basically have to fight the tide at this point to not end up at the gym all healthy, svelte, and happily bopping away. Who am I to stand in the way of my destiny? I'm off to the Apple Store tonight, after a vodka and soda cocktail.
Best Thong: Hanky Panky

Monday, June 11, 2007
Body By Buttercup

Sunday, June 10, 2007
Matt Dillon Encounter

Standing just inside the doorway, I took a quick glance around the restaurant and suddenly found myself staring at Matt Dillon, who was sitting a few feet away, looking right at me. I met his gaze for a second, took in his chiseled features and characteristic penetrating direct stare, and then looked away immediately. He looked hot! The waiter approached me and I asked for a table outside, conscious that Matt Dillon was still facing my direction and semi-dying to look at him again. But, I didn't.
Outside, the waiter sat me down two tables away from Matt Dillon, directly in his line of site whenever he looked out the window. I ordered and ate my food, sipped my coffee, and tried very hard not to sneak peaks at him. After I had been there for about a half hour, one of my girl friends joined me, and the two of us proceeded to catch up, sip our coffee, and try not to sneak peaks at Matt Dillon. While we were trying not to look at Matt Dillon, Marisa Tomei walked by our table. Two celebrity sitings in 30 minutes!
After a little while, my friend suddenly said that Matt Dillon was leaving. My back was to the entrance of the restaurant and I couldn't see anything. I asked her if he was coming our way, and she said yes, and I said, somewhat breathlessly, "Should I look?" just as Matt Dillon came up even with our table. He totally heard me.
Matt Dillon stopped, turned around, flashed me a smile and said "Hello." He was standing about a foot away from me. My friend and I were smiling and pretty much giggling (very sophisticated New York of us), and I replied, "Hello."
He said, "How are you doing?" and I replied that I was doing well. I was mesmerized. He was really tall, built up and muscular, his face was handsome, his smile open and easy, and his eyes were intensely sexy. He was wearing a tank top with a black button down shirt over it and I could see a sprinkle of salt and pepper chest hair just above the outline of his very well defined pecs. Matt Dillon looks really effing good.
I said, "You totally saw us checking you out, huh?"
Matt Dillon replied, without missing a beat in quintessential drawling Johnny Drama style, "I was checking you out. Two lovely ladies, enjoying a beautiful Saturday afternoon." Yep, that's right, Matt Dillon said he was checking me out.
He then held out his hand and said, "What's your name?"
I took his hand and said "Buttercup." (Matt Dillon held my hand!).
Then Matt Dillon asked if I lived around the area, and whether I came to the restaurant often. I said I lived in New York and that I came there often, and he said, "Oh yeah?, well I'm around here a lot."
I responded, "Well, I'll look for you next time."
Then he said, while motioning towards the corner, "Well, I gotta get going because my brother's waiting for me. It was nice meeting you." (I was thinking, Johnny Drama is here too?!).
I replied, "It was nice meeting you too."
For the rest of the day, every time I thought of the encounter, I smiled.
A day later, and I am still officially crushing on Matt Dillon.
Friday, June 08, 2007
A Feminist, Not A Man-Hater
Then I read the text under the picture of the woman with the boxing gloves, where she explained that even though I was a feminist I was not necessarily a man hater. She helpfully pointed out that I might even be a man, even though I was a feminist. Was that really necessary?
Do we really still have so far to go that a Blogthing has to remind people who might be identified as feminists that feminism does not mean that you hate men? We still have so far to go that we have to explain that feminism does NOT equal man-hater? Every woman alive has or had a father. Many of them also have brothers, sons, uncles, nephews, and male lovers. Of course being a feminist does not mean that you are a man hater - that would be hating a part of who you are. That is just plain silly. If there's a critical mass of people who are still operating under the delusion that feminists are bra-burning, man haters, we are a long way off from the cultural gender revolution that we have to have if we are ever going to attain true gender equality.
I was in a better mood, but that just made me grumpy all over again. People, you can be a feminist, appreciate the history of women and the reality of women's historically, socially, politically, and economically oppressed status, and believe that there should be change such that women and men attain a level of actual equality without hating men.
The trick is that we need more men to become feminists. Whether they identify as feminists or not, we need men to stand up with us, not for us but for themselves, and to demand change. If women and men continue to identify seeking equality with hating men, we're never going to get there.
Usually when I meet men, at some point they generally end up asking me if I'm a feminist. I don't know what it is. I've taken to responding, "Yes, aren't you?" Usually, they guffaw, chuckle, or look bemused. Unless they're completely intimidated, they usually become more interested. The bad, though tempting, ones because they see a challenge and something they think would be fun to tame. The cool ones because they're either already aware or intrigued or both. Either way, it works to a woman's advantage. Strong, sassy, and independent (i.e feminist) usually does.
Start spreading the word: Feminism means equality, not man-hater, and it's HOT.
You Are 98% Feminist |
![]() You are a total feminist. This doesn't mean you're a man hater (in fact, you may be a man). You just think that men and women should be treated equally. It's a simple idea but somehow complicated for the world to put into action. |
Thursday, June 07, 2007
Thursday Thirteen

1) I did yoga at NYSC on Monday night even after going all the way home to change.
2) I did yoga during lunch yesterday at a studio near my work and bought a pack of 10 additional classes to use during lunchtime.
3) I've gone back to eating yogurt for breakfast in lieu of random bread products.
4) I've started to use the coffee machine at work instead of stopping off at Starbucks in the morning.
5) Last night I had to work late, until 1:30 am, but I didn't even mind (that much) because everyone I was working with was awesome. The Partner was genuinely apologetic and totally appreciative that we all pitched in to get the work done, and the team was great. A massively huge difference from Old Firm.
6) I've started to fill up my 1 liter bottle with water each day, and I've made a conscious effort to start focusing on trying to drink at least a bottle a day. I plan to get back up to my 2 liter a day habit eventually.
7) I made an appointment to see a nutritionist. I had to cancel it because of work today, but I'm going to reschedule. I really want to start the 6-week program that my friend Em recently completed. She had awesome results.
8) Tuesday, Em and I ran into one of our old bosses at a benefit and he made several remarks about how gorgeous and glowing we looked now that we had left Old Firm. He asked, What happened? Em and I couldn't say the obvious so we just shrugged and smiled.
9) Tonight, I'm seeing "Romeo and Juliet" at the open air Delacourt Theater in Central Park. I'm excited because Lauren Ambrose, Claire from "Six Feet Under," will be playing Juliet.
10) This weekend, I'm going to a huge party at Lotus, along with Pele, Lakshmi, Lakshmi's boyfriend and another girlfriend of Pele's. Should be fun to dance and see a bunch of people I haven't seen in a while.
11) During the day on Saturday, I'm planning a "Me Day" for moi. I'm going to wake up early, exercise, and then spend the entire day lounging around, shopping, wandering around New York, and possibly continuing to clean up my room. I can not wait!
12) Sunday, I have brunch with the group of wickedly cool girls I met at BBC in Mexico.
13) Also this weekend, I have a date with Mr. Reunion.
The purpose of the meme is to get to know everyone who participates a little bit better every Thursday. Visiting fellow Thirteeners is encouraged! If you participate, leave the link to your Thirteen in others comments. It's easy, and fun! Be sure to update your Thirteen with links that are left for you, as well! I will link to everyone who participates and leaves a link to their 13 things. Trackbacks, pings, comment links accepted!
Wednesday, June 06, 2007
Making Out With Ari

That's when I revealed myself to be a complete airhead. I said, slightly indignantly but sincerely, "Ari, doesn't this mean that you're cheating on your wife, to kiss me like that?" He said, "No baby, it couldn't possibly be cheating because you have no meat on your bones, so how could my wife ever consider this cheating?" I took that to mean that he was saying that since I was a vegetarian - and thus had flesh made of something other than animal meat - that his wife would never be bothered by Ari kissing me. But, a part of me wondered if he was telling the truth. He was talking so fast.
That's what I dreamed last night.
Tuesday, June 05, 2007

That's my main problem with texting, it requires basically no effort whatsoever.
I've reached the point where I've decided simply not to respond to texts. If a male does not have the balls or the level of interest required to pick up the phone and give me a call, he's not worth my time. If you must know, River was basically the inspiration behind that decision. He texted me one too many times, thought it was acceptable to ask me for dinner over a text, and periodically availed himself of his phone's texting capabilities to "booty text" me. My final conclusion on River was that he was looking for a girl to make-out with - and nothing more - and he mistakenly thought I was that girl. He also mistakenly thought that I would keep returning his texts indefinitely.
This morning, my no texting policy was challenged because the guy I met at the Reunion texted me to ask when I was free this week. This, after failing to call Monday night as he had indicated that he would. By the time he texted, I had basically written him off to a nice experience. Faced with the text, I was forced to decide whether to ignore it, write back, and if so, what to write back. Eventually, I settled on texting back that he should call me to set something up. Guess what happened? He called, and then I called him back, and then we had a real conversation. Amazing.
To be clear, the anti-texting policy is only against the use of texting as the primary method of communication in a dating relationship, such as texting to set up a date. Texting is fine as a secondary or tertiary method of communication, and particularly useful for ironing out logistics (i.e. "We're in the bar, where are you? Meet me there."). But, if I'm not committed to you yet, you're going to have to do something other than texting if you want me to stick around.
Any man worth his weight in salt will pick up the phone and call. Any man who's actually interested, will want to pick up the phone and call. If he's too busy, too scared, or too uninterested to call, he's basically a waste of time, energy, and emotional space.
Monday, June 04, 2007
8 Random Facts About the 'Cup

1. I have to post these rules before I give you the facts.
8) I was once on TV.
Sunday, June 03, 2007
Something Unexpected

I didn't feel a twinge of anything for my college ex-boyfriend. How fantastic is that? Not even when Pele and I drove by the place that I used to live that was just across the train tracks from the place where he used to live during that time. I must have crossed those train tracks hundreds of times, going back and forth from his place to mine. We both lived in triples, him in a room in his fraternity house divided by sheets to create the illusion of privacy, and me in my sorority house. I remembered stumbling home completely blitzed after mixers, the time I found a Playboy in his fraternity bathroom and threw it out the window after first dumping Comet all over it so that it couldn't be salvaged, the night that he called me from up in his room while a stripper "entertained" the rest of his brothers down in the common room, mint juleps before football games, and him coming to visit me in the library, following the scent of bubble gum and coffee. I remembered, but it didn't make me sad. It just made me smile.
I also genuinely enjoyed seeing old friends and acquaintances. I reconnected with a girl, Rackil, that I had been extremely close with all through college, but who I had lost touch with over the years. We picked up from where we had left off, so much so that I can't believe, nor do I understand why, I let so much time go by without her in my life. She has a much better memory for college than I do, and she reminded me of about 1,000 things that had made us laugh that I had completely forgotten about. In addition to Rackil, I met up with a lot of random people from my first year dorm, my sorority, and different classes. It's incredible to see what people are doing and how much they've grown and changed in 10 years. It was such a pleasure to talk to people within the framework of college, but without all the cliquishness that used to inform those relationships.
In addition to all of that, the Universe saw fit to send me a little present. I met a boy. Or, more precisely, I met a half-Indian, half-Swedish, smart, successful, charming, interesting 42-year old man who lives half the time in New York and half the time in London. Yep, half-Indian and half-Swedish. The Universe really outdid herself with this one. He was sweet, assertive, and extremely confident. He seemed open and honest, and genuinely interested in getting to know me. Who knew that men in their 40s could be so cool? I had no idea. It was so refreshing to talk to someone confident and secure in his own skin, someone who seemed attracted to me but not single-mindedly determined to get me in the sack - at least not immediately. He was very attractive, and I found myself attracted to him in a way I haven't been to anyone for quite some time. We had real conversations that actually interested me. Shocking, no?
Friday, June 01, 2007
10 Year Reunion Road Trip

I leave early tomorrow morning for a mini road trip with Pele. We're heading South for our 10 year college reunion. I wasn't going to go but she finally convinced me, and I'm kind of glad she did. I think it might be a little awkward, seeing so many people I probably never knew or have forgotten in the last 10 years. However, it might also be a lot of fun.
I wasn't looking forward to the memories, but now I've started thinking I might be pleasantly surprised. I spent most of my college years discovering my inner feminist and hanging out with my college boyfriend, a guy that has since go on to become wildly successful and married. I'm not sure how I'll feel returning alone to what used to be our stomping grounds, even though its 10 years and several relationships ago. For the longest time, I thought of him as the one who had gotten away (even though, perversely, I let him go). He's not going to be there because he's a year younger than me, but I suspect that the memories will be.
Reunions and similar things that mark the time are probably good to attend. They give you a sense of distance from the past and valuable perspective, which can be both saddening and freeing. Here's hoping I end up feeling more free than sad after this weekend.