Monday, April 10, 2006

Fugly "Pro-Life" Monument

This statue, an inaccurate, unflattering, and horrifically sexualized (a bear rug!?!?) depiction of Britney Spears giving birth to Sean Preston, is being heralded as a "Monument to Prolife." It's no surprise that the Anti-Choicers think it's the height of fabulosity for young girls to decide to get knocked up and to choose a life of early mommydom. I mean, if you have a vagina and a functioning uterus, what could be better?? Money, success, fame, a bright future, the ability to influence millions? Pah!

However, it is somewhat surprising to me that the Right is "honoring" Britney of all people. Have they forgotten that Britney used to be a sexually provocative and independent pop-tart who encouraged girls and women to turn males into boy toys? Have they forgotten the red leather jumpsuit? The sexified school girl outfit? Have they somehow missed the fact that Britney's husband is a worthless loser that milks her for money, parties instead of parenting, drives her to flee her homes and live in hotels, and can't keep his pants zipped long enough to stop creating zygotes for more than two seconds? Poor Britney.

Apparently, as a young woman all you have to do to get praised by the Right is to flush your life and future down the toilet, get yourself hitched to a dirtbag, and give birth to his child. Is this really the future that the Right wants for its little girls?

Today, while procrastinating (I've been doing my diaries - my billable hours - for February, March and April!) and catching up on some delicious Go Fug Yourself reading, I came across this post from Brit's perspective regarding the statue. It is hilarious and made me start giggling at my desk. I had to share it. (If you like it, make sure to read all of the posts done from Brit's perspective. They are highly entertaining.) Despite Britney's dramatic and destructive downward spiral, I am still fascinated by her, and I am rooting for her to escape K-Fed's toxic embrace. Hopefully, she'll divorce his sorry ass and take the kids and raise them as a single momma. I'd like to see the Right laud her as their pin-up girl then.


Buttercup said...

I hear you Ally Bean. It's Bizarre.

Natalie said...

The sculpture just really makes me uncomfortable...on so many levels....but on another level it's like the eye of plato...or a train wreck....once you see a picture you can't stop looking at it.


Amber Rhea said...

Ya know, what's really great is, she didn't even deliver vaginally, she had a C-section.

Anonymous said...

I think that the sculpture is obscene to women, it doesn't look as though she is giving birth, it looks lewd. I like most have watched the rise and fall of Britney Spears, I say fall because since she met her babys daddy, I have yet to see her do, say, or sing anything of worth. Instead she's acting more, and more like KFed, Who I find to be a loser, a user, and boring. Everyone should date a KFed just so you know one, when you meet one.