Thursday, April 27, 2006

Coffee Covered Bum

Who else is tired of "LOST" not having a new episode each week? Watching Lost is one of the highlights of my week. I love it, and I love Wednesday nights. They are my leave early and chill out nights no matter what (if at all possible). Last night I did not leave work early so got back to my home around 8:20 pm, ordered some dinner, and curled up on the couch to catch the last bit of "America's Next Top Model" before Lost. I find America's Next Top Model endlessly entertaining. That and "Tiara Girls," which is another reality show I just discovered.

It turned out that last night's episode of Lost was just another compilation episode to get all the viewers who have not been watching it as religiously as I up to speed. It brought us all up to date to the point of Michael's miraculous return. It also reminded everyone of one of Sayid's ultimate bad-ass moments. Sayid not only found the fake Henry Gale's balloon and the grave in which Imposter Henry Gale said he had buried his diseased wife, Sayid dug it up. Upon digging up the grave, Sayid discovered the body of a man, not Henry Gale's wife, and the driver's license of the real Henry Gale, a black man. Who does that make the Henry Gale imprisoned in the Hatch by Locke, Jack, and the sexy Anna Lucia? An Other. Of course, we all knew that because of his yellowish tinted skin and bulging, beady, feral eyes.

For every one else waiting breathlessly for the next new episode, fear not. They announced last night on "scenes from" that the next 4 episodes will be ALL NEW EPISODES OF LOST. Sweet.
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Also on my mind are two articles that I read in last month's Vanity Fair magazine on my way to Court this morning. The first was an article on Teri Hatcher and the sexual abuse she suffered at the age of 5 by her uncle. Ms. Hatcher came forward after learning that a young girl who had lived across the street from her uncle killed herself and left behind a note saying, "Ask Dick" (Ms. Hatcher's uncle's name). There were allegations of sexual abuse, but the prosecutors were on the point of dismissing the case for lack of proof. Without knowing this, Ms. Hatcher contacted the police in charge of the case, told them that she too had been a victim of her uncle's sexual abuse 30 years earlier and asked them if they had enough without her to make the charges against her uncle stick. The police told her they did not, and she came forward despite all the risks associated with exposing her secret.

I was struck that Ms. Hatcher indicated that it had never crossed her mind that her uncle might have been abusing other girls since he had stopped abusing her. Instead, she (understandably) tried to bury her pain and distance herself from what had happened to her. The young girl's suicide was a wake-up call for Ms. Hatcher that made her think for the first time that her uncle might have been abusing others the way he had her. She also saw that she had the opportunity, as an actress in the public spotlight, to reach other young people with her story. I think it's commendable that she came forward.

There's also a good article on Laura Bush, the main point of which is that Mrs. Dubya wasted her considerable opportunity to do almost anything positive while First Lady. The opinion of the article's author is that Mrs. Dubya's embrace of the anti-Hillary has helped her husband's administration's public relations campaign, but has accomplished little else. It is extremely perplexing to me how any woman could look at the First Ladies and pride themselves on being more like Laura than either Hillary or Eleanor. Wouldn't you rather do something, rather than just be known for looking nice, smiling, and squandering your brain while the country goes to hell in a handbasket?
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While reading the articles, I had an unfortunate incident which involved the cup of coffee I had balanced precariously between my knees. The driver of my car, who had been going along smoothly for most of the drive, suddenly put on the breaks and caused my entire cup of coffee to spill out across my lap and onto the seat under my bum. Thank god I was wearing black. I do not think a giant coffee stain over my nether regions would have gone over well in court.


Anonymous said...

I agree that Teri Hatcher was very brave to come forward and publically talk about the abuse she suffered as a child. That took guts.

As for the article about Laura Bush, I don't think it's fair to say that the hasn't done anything positive while First Lady. Here is a link to her homepage:

Her style is certainly different from Hillary's, but she hasn't just stood idly by with a pretty smile on her face. She has been an active First Lady with initiatives of her own.

I hope I don't seem argumentative because that's not my intention. I totally respect you and your opinion. I just thought I'd offer another point of view.

Gypsy said...

LOVE Tiara Girls. Along with Daddy's Spoiled Little Girl and My Super Sweet Sixteen. What is it about spoiled brats that just draws me in? ;)

As for Laura, I haven't read the article, but it seems to me that though she's likely done some good, it hasn't been enough to warrant much attention. At least not mine.