Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Wood's Tat

My friend Wood, who kicks complete and utter ass, just got this tattoo and I wanted to share it with you all since I think it rocks. Her baby's name is Juniper, hence the sprig of juniper berries. I'm not sure about the significance of the bird, but I think the whole picture is quite lovely. I'm also very impressed with Wood for getting such a prominent tattoo. But now that I see it, it's kind of the perfect place to get one. I have a little one to the right and below my belly button and rue the day when I will have to have it scratched off to prevent it from turning into a wrinkled post-pregnant mass.

Love ya Wood!


Heather said...

It really is a beautiful tattoo.

And I don't think you have to worry about pregnancy ruining your tattoo. My stomach is pretty much back to normal, and I didn't do much besides running and the occasional yoga.

But if you want five or six kids you might be in trouble.

Natalie said... don't have to give details (like the real name if it's not) but is Juniper Wood and Dutch's daughter's real name...I hope's so cute!

Buttercup said...

So as not to divulge Wood and Dutch's secrets, all I can say is that Juniper is at least part of their daughter's real name. Do you really think Wood would put a six inch tatoo on her chest for her BLOG??? Wait, don't tell me, do you have "wordnerd" scrawled across your chest? Come to think of it, a little buttercup would be kind of cute. :)

jdg said...

Juniper is on her birth certificate, I swear.

Natalie said...

no, it's on my ass!

I really like the name Juniper....figures Dutch and Wood would come up with a cool name like that.....

I am literally in heavy negociations (imagine two litigators here) about baby names for our daughter from China...he was things like "Khan" and "Ming Nah"...I was names like "Juliette" and "Annabelle"...pretty....girly names.....he got to name the dog (whose name is Genghis)....he will not be permitted to fuck up the kid's name too!

Buttercup said...

I love Annabelle, as long as your ok with "annie"?

From China!!!! That's so wonderful. Is this happening soon, or just something you are planning?

Natalie said...

Hopefuly happening sooner rather than later..we've been doing paperwork now for about 6 months.....all we have left... before the provincial part is done is the dreaded home study....whereby a social worker comes into your house and invades your a very personal and intimate way to make sure that you aren't planning on starting a textile factory in your living room.

We hope to get that one early fall...and then we hope to receive the final approval before Christmas...then our file has to get translated into Mandarin (by our agency) and it gets sent to China and the wait begins.....

Anonymous said...

Maybe the tat's in honor of Capt. Jack Sparrow ;-)