Skeletal or Beautiful?
Bubbles sent me this recent photo of Kiera, asking me whether I had noticed that Kiera was following the likes of Lindsay and Nicole on their path into bonesville. Perhaps it's that I spend too much time looking at US Magazine, but it's hard for me
not to see Kiera as beautiful. And small chests and faint outlines of ribs do not immediately scream anorexia to me.
However, even I noticed that Kiera was looking a little sick. She doesn't have an ounce of extra flesh or curvy softness on her, and the line of her chin in particular looks quite severe. I think she needs to eat.
I agree she looks scary-thin in that picture, but I've seen her in others recently where she looks great and healthy. It is wierd how different people can look in different photos. Oooh - speaking of that - I recently figured out which side is my "good" side in pictures. I just looked at a few old pictures of myself, and which face my head was tilted, then practiced some different angles in the mirror. It is crazy how different a face can look, depending on the angle at which it is photographed. Anyway, if you're ever really bored one day, it is kind of fun to do. Happy Friday!!!
Yeah she looks a little skinny. She had responded to the media saying that her grandmother and other past generations had suffered from anorexia but she does not suffer from it...But this picture sure does make me wonder.
I am not going to comment on whether or not this women is anerexic-- sometimes I think skinny women are falsely accused. The problem is that this is what we are being told is beautiful. (For instance, there is a reason that this dress, which clearly was intended to highlight her extremely thin frame.) Frankly, it is not. If, for instance, one of my homeless clients was this skinny, I would be seriously concerned about her physcial health. If she was from a third-world county, phot-journalists would be rushing to get pictures of her as proof of famine. Seriously. Famous people just keep getting skinnier and skinnier-- it is like a race to the bottom. Yet, but a fancy dress and eyeliner on her and its Hollywood chic.
I couldn't have said it any better than Bubbles...I completely agree. It's very disconcerting that this image is being put forward as a beauty ideal. Perhaps not so much for myself (Yea sure, I get days when I am very tired and self conscrious of my chubby little self...but by and large I am pretty secure and know that I have a WHOLE person to offer..not just a size 2 frame)....but it is the younger women that really worry me...."role models" keep getting skinnier and can this NOT take its toll on today's young women?
skeletal, not beautiful. not in the least.
*shiver* This is just creepy. There is something about the way her dress just...drapes straight down the front of makes her stomach look almost concave. Looks unhealthy to me. I want to offer her some ice cream, or perhaps some homemade macaroni and cheese. Or a sandwich. Or SOMETHING.
Hey! Check your e-mail. I just sent you a note. :)
Star Shine
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