Wednesday, September 12, 2007

New Leaves

I'm turning over a new leaf, two of them actually.

I feel like, especially lately (when I've had the chance to write), I've been spending a fair amount of time on the blog regaling you all with angst-filled stories (Exhibit A), hopefully with touches of humor amidst the emotional turmoil. It's therapeutic, interesting to me, and often times enjoyable to write. However, I don't want my life or my blog to focus just upon the angst-filled moments. I want perspective.

I've decided to change - the blog at least - in one small, but positive, way. For the rest of the month of September, I'm going to try to post about at least one positive thing each day, in addition to the usual stuff. I think it will help me keep a bit of perspective, and I think it's more of what I'd like my blog (and me) to be. I mean, emotional turmoil is entertaining and all, but it can look negative (especially if the dark, dry humor is missed) and I think it's important to balance the craziness with some pure positivity.

Daily Dose Of Positivity: That's the first leaf. The second leaf is also the subject of today's first positivity post: I've decided to start waking up earlier during the work week and today - drum roll please - I did it! I set my alarm for 7:30 am this morning and actually got up on the first buzz. Due to my diligence, I was showered, blow-dried, and out the door by 8:30 and in the office by 8:50 am. That's the earliest I've been in for a while. Go me!!

I want to wake up earlier mainly because I think it will help me organize my days and weeks better. If I wake up early, I'll get in earlier and I will have a few extra minutes to get things together for the day before it begins in full force. On days when I don't have to wash my hair (I wash it every other day), I could do pilates. That's the plan so far, and I'm going to do my best to stick to it.

But, for today, I'm just proud of me for waking up at 7:30 am. Awesome.

Photo found here.


Tracy said...

Yea, B'cup! I'm like your resolution. I think I'll join you. I'm SO not a morning person, but I tend to feel better about my day when I get an early start. I love it when it's lunch time, and I can look back and see that I've really accomplished a lot in the morning time. xo!

Sparky Duck said...

positive sucks ;)

Gypsy said...

Great job! I'm feeling much the same about my blog lately, mainly because I've been in kind of a blue place and my posts are bringing me down a bit. I may take your lead and implement a change. :)

Anonymous said...

I usually get to work for 8 am so that I have an hour to do stuff before the phones go crazy!

M.S. said...

Definitely awesome.

Miss S